mardi 14 octobre 2014

The call of kimchi ❤

III 我的脾氣 My mood : drunk and happy!  
III 我現在喜歡的歌曲 My music of the moment :  Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) ~ SORRY, SORRY

(oh memories....) 

Yesterday, I've met one of my ex-classmate from kindergarden. Yeah, I wrote "I met" because when you are 3 or 4, you don't really care who you spend your time with, as long as that person as enough capacities to play with Play Do. Meeting my old friend after 15 years of separation made me realize that we had a lot in common and that my "KPop addict" period was not as bad as I see it today. We chat about lot of stuff (mostly scandals within the Kpop industry... because I really like it! haha!) and as we were in all those korean stuff, we dicided to go to have diner in a Korean restaurant. 

The restaurant was in a nice little street not far from the Great Market of Brussels. Actually, this street can bring dilemma in the most decided minds : there was a nice and cute little Japanese restaurant next to the Korean. It was like if the Korean were again at war with the Japanese but using, this time mor pacific weapons : sushis and kimchi. But the call of kimchi was too strong so we did not help but going to the korean restaurant and promising to the japanese that one day we would eat sushis and get drunk like Japanese salarymen on their restaurant. Cross our hearts and hope to die!

A restaurant called "Kimchi" won't serve you peanuts as apetizers. It would be very creative but and surprising but scarinng the customers doesn't seem to be the custom in Korea. They, indeed gave us two little bowls of kimchi as apetizers. Thank God we already had our bottle of wine because it was spicy. For me, eating spicy food and not having any drink around is like crossing the most arid desert of this planet.  And, trust me or not, kimchi tastes well with red wine. The kimchi was cut in different shapes (cubes and slices) and, actually, it did not change de taste at all! (suprising, isn't it?!) 

If you want to become my best friend, you should learn how to cook miso soup. Yeah, the miso soup of this restaurant might be a japanese spy from their neighbours but I have to admit that it was the best miso soup I've ever eaten in my whole life and heaven knows how many times I've eaten miso soup when I was in Taiwan! But this one was the best. ❤ There was tofu, mushrooms, sesame seeds, young onions and other stuffs. 
The (big) main course came after. I took a delicious vegan fried rice with kimchi. Two problems with that dish : not enough meat and too much foor for my little stomach. But I don't think that my critic is very constructive... Hahem... There was rice, a fried egg and, of course, some kimchi. The taste of the kimchi was a bit hidden by the taste of the rice but it however gave to the dish, a little spicy touch.
My friend took a bul... blu... b... something that begins with a "b" and ends with a "bogi"... or something like that (forgive my poor korean!) It looked delicious : a fried egg was lying on a bed of rice, vegetables and meet. Every ingredient has its own space in the bowl and it was for sure a pleasure for my prefercionist's eyes. The tragedy is that I did not have the time to take a picture because the waiter came and mixed all the ingredients with a souce that looked like ketchup. It was like Godzilla destroying Tokyo. She allowed me to taste this strange dish. Honestly, I did not really liked it because there was soy sauce in it and I am unfortunately not a big fan of soy sauce. The sauce was very spicy but I think it was perfect with the porc.

We ended the meal with a bottle of soju. We thought that it would be as strong as it seems to be in the korean tv series. Actually, it was like any cheap sake you could find in the Brussels' chinese supermarket. But we did not really care because both of us had a lot of glasses of wine and we were already feeling dizzy. A bottle of genuine soju would have made us do stupid things like drunk people often do.

It was a good night and I would definintely recomend this restaurant to all the asian food lovers of this earth! 


"Chez Kimchi" 
Rue de la Fourche 6
1000 Bruxelles 


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